Why Print Marketing Matters in a Digital World

Nov 15, 2019

These days, it’s easy to get caught up in the mantra of “all digital, all the time.” Digital is pervasive, budget-friendly and can target specific subsets of consumers. Plus, with all of us admittedly spending way too much time on our computers and mobile devices, it may feel like the default option.

However, if all you think of is digital, you may be selling yourself short—print formats should always be a considered part your mix. At Able&Co., we’ve seen first-hand how effective print marketing can be, whether it’s through direct mailers, print ads, billboards or even flyers. We’ve worked alongside clients to create a strategic plan that incorporates tactics that both live on paper and on the screen. Because, when it boils down to it, it works in a big way.

Here’s why:

Print is real. When we see a digital ad, we only use one of our five senses. But print is real, because you can see it and feel it without it going into cyber space. Many people in certain demographics, specifically 55+ markets, like that they can keep the piece and read it at their leisure. A printed piece is often much more likely to be remembered.

Print helps you reach different audiences. As we mentioned, many people in the 55+ age bracket still like to read from a physical document or piece of literature. Print may be an ideal medium to reach this group when marketing products and services that are of particular interest – healthcare and Active Adult communities are just some examples. The same is true for luxury consumers. They prefer tangible platforms such as catalogues and ads in high-end magazines.

Print is good for local/regional marketing. Think direct mail, flyers, business cards, posters and outdoor ads. And yes, even coupons! At Able&Co., we have seen direct mail deliver fantastic results for local events such as community grand openings, fundraisers and more.

Print is a vital part of your omni-channel marketing. The power of print is a very important tool in your marketing toolbox. It should be integrated in your plans alongside digital and not be replaced by it (and vice versa). A digital-only approach is unlikely to deliver your objective. That’s why we’re here to help.

We know digital. We know print. As a marketing and communications agency that is dedicated to the total picture of your brand’s success, regardless of tactic, we’ll help you find the right mix to maximize your ROI.

Ready to get started? Want to know more? Then contact Able Ambassador Reynee Tung at Reynee@TheAbleAgency.com